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Alex Vega

Hello, I'm Alex, a professional photographer and videographer, and the founder of Hidden City Pictures. Born and raised in Escondido, CA, my passion for photography and videography began at the young age of 16. It was during those formative years that I discovered my love for capturing moments and telling stories through the lens.

I pursued my passion by studying Cinema at SFSU, where I honed my skills and obtained a BA degree. The program provided me with a solid foundation in cinematography and photography, nurturing my artistic abilities and expanding my creative horizons.

As a result of my diverse background in both cinematography and photography, I bring a unique perspective to my work. I believe that the combination of technical knowledge and artistic sensibility allows me to craft compelling visual narratives that resonate with viewers.

My commitment to delivering exceptional work fuels my continuous improvement. I constantly push boundaries, seeking growth and innovation in every project. With resourcefulness and meticulous attention to detail, I aim to surpass expectations and create captivating visual experiences.


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